Monday, November 3, 2008

Dificiency in vitamin B12 can have some serious effects on the body

The B vitamins play a key role in maintaining good health. In the case of vitamin B 12 deficiency it can cause damage to ones functional system. It can lead to irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system. At levels that are slightly lower than normal fatigue, poor memory, and depression have all been reported as leading symptoms. It is also stated that low levels lead to mania or psychosis. If a severe shortage occurs it can lead to a serious illness called pernicious anaemia. This is when their are not enough red blood cells in the spinal cord and nerve cells begging to get damaged.

The main reason for deficiency is that the body is not absorbing it properly or people are not getting enough of it in their diet such as vegans. This can be addressed by eating foods that have the vitamin in it, supplements, or injections. Fortified foods are the most common especially cereal. The other foods are in order, pig or calf's liver, fatty fish like salmon, white fish, beef, eggs, cheese, chicken and milk.

VIRGINIA WINDER - Taranaki Daily News Monday, 03 November 2008


Michael E. O'Neill said...

Nice job on the website. I like how you are branching out into other health areas, while I'm just focusing on bone health. The picture of that food dish looks a little weird, can't remember what it reminds me of.

Naomi said...

It is scary how much more at risk vegans are than nonvegans for becoming deficient in vitamins that can cause major harm to their bodies. This is espacially distruping for vegans who are eating this way as a fade diet and have not fully researched the the alternatives to meat and diary that they need to incorpoorate into their diet. Being defiecient in B12 can lead to some bad symptoms, another that I found is that deficiency in B vitamins can lead to brain atrophy as one ages.

Maria Fernandz said...

The food is liver.

It is very important that people that are living with diatary restrictions are aware of what vitamins and mineral their bodies need and how to get them without eating meat.